Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hurts, Doesn't It?

First things first: this is the new, official home for all things art-wise (as they pertain to me, anyway). The "(Wr)etchings" blog is still up and available for anyone seeking a stroll down memory lane. However, all news and new art postings will appear here from now on; welcome everyone who has followed my endeavors for the last couple of years. And, of course, welcome to anyone who has just discovered the blog...

What better way to kick off a new art blog than with new art? Presented here is a piece called, "Voices Carry", and it is a loving tribute to the inspired voting advice offered by Conservative Deity, Ronald Reagan. I'd wager he never counted on his words being used against his own party, but what can ya do?

I've voted already, and it truly is a great feeling. Though I live in a state that will undoubtedly go "blue" (Illinois), it is still important--if only for the sake of my own sanity and dignity--that I participate in this, the most important election of the new century. If you think that's hyperbole, you haven't been paying attention...

So, please vote--early if you can--and make your voice be heard. I used to believe that one person couldn't change things significantly, but the last eight years have proven me wrong. You have the power to steer human events; setting aside one's indifference can make all the difference in the world...

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