Monday, December 1, 2008

Off the Hook...

It's been nearly a month since my last post, and I blame post-election malaise. I can't decide if there's too much to rail against or not enough, and there's no fire to create a celebratory image. I imagine things will be pretty sporadic for awhile, at least until January 20--but I could be wrong. We're in a holding pattern now, politically, and while there are juicy issues on the table, I'm not sure how I feel about where the White House is headed. If you're interested in looking back for a moment, check out Joe Klein's post-mortem of President Bush; okay, it's not officially a eulogy, but it might as well be...

One issue got me up and drawing again, and as you can see in the above piece, "Good Graces", it's that Joe Lieberman was welcomed back into the Democratic fold after having utterly betrayed the party--and revealing the callow opportunist we've long suspected him to be. The quote at the top of the image comes from the trailer for The Dark Knight--and is one of the very few things of value to be found in that film; I'd intended to use it in a piece featuring Cindy McCain, in a not-wholly-unrelated context this summer, but for whatever reason never got around to it. I think this sums up my feelings about Joltin' Joe...

So, if you don't hear from me for awhile, or if you hear from me very frequently, blame it on these strange coming-down days. 'Til next time, love one another and pay attention...

P.S. I've been posting film reviews on the "Critic(isms)" blog; if you're interested in hearing me whine about the failing state of cinema, check it out...

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