Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blago's Out and I'm Sellin' Prints!!!

Hey, Everyone! Somewhere in the midst of my crazy schedule, I've managed to fashion a run of prints based on my recent piece, "caduceUS", which was featured in the "Manifest Hope: DC" competition...

Though I wasn't able to attend the opening, it was well-covered on various blogs and news outlets. It was a star-studded affair, with guests such as Heather Graham, Michael Stipe of R.E.M., Rosario Dawson, Moby, and host Shepard Fairey. Hey, there they are now...

Back to the prints: I'm offering a limited edition of 35 11" x 17" reproductions, presented on 80 lb. card stock. Each is signed and numbered, and can be purchased for $30 (Priority Shipping included)...

The "caduceUS" prints differ only slightly from the original in that the artwork has been reduced 2% on the display area to allow for my printed signature, which appears as a watermark at the bottom (the original was signed only in pencil as a 1/1 work). If you click on the image below, you can see what I mean...

If you have a PayPal account, feel free to place orders that way. Otherwise, you can e-mail me at with the number of prints you'd like and I'll contact you about paying by check. As always, each print will be accompanied by a hand-signed letter of thanks...

Thanks again to everyone for their support and encouragement. 2008 was a great year for exhibitions (I think my art appeared in six shows), and the new year is looking better and better! Take care...

Credit Where Credit is Due: The gallery and opening-night pictures above appear on NOTCOT and SuperTouch. They have tons more photos and info on the proceedings, and have not endorsed this blog (though they haven't not endorsed it, either)...

Note-for-the-Sake-of-Making-this-the-Longest-Post-Ever: I still haven't put up a proper store, so for now this will have to suffice. I may sell some prints on ebay as well, as that has worked very well in the past...


Anonymous said...

This was nice to read. I have to start reading your blog more...but you still should get facebook, IMHO.

Anonymous said...

facebook is for those who delude themselves into thinking that their 'friends' are actually people who give a shit about them and not just equally sad poseurs trying to increase their numbers taking social networking right back to the stone age of high school, and that their posted thoughts are worth reading let alone worth alerting the whole world to the fact that something popped into the space where their brain used to function - who cares what the hell you're doing right now? fine if you enjoy drinking the kool aid, but stop trying to drag ian down with you. tragically he's rather susceptible to peer pressure. (sigh . . .)

Anonymous said...

Evidently you're out along with Blago. Nothing to say in over a year. Amazing.