Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hope (DC) Springs Eternal...

I got a phone call a couple hours ago. On the other end of the line was a representative of the Manifest Hope: DC contest, who'd called to inform me that I am one of fifteen grand-prize winners (technically, as there are three categories, that makes me one of five); this was startling news--as you can see in my post below, I was unsure of how my efforts would be received--and I have only the assurance of my wife to convince me that I wasn't a complete bumbling idiot during our brief conversation...

In the next twenty-four hours, I have to get the piece printed, framed, and shipped to Washington, DC, where it will be on display next weekend as part of's inauguration festivities...

It's a thrill, knowing that my work has been judged favorably by such a distinguished panel, including Shepard Fairey--who created the iconic Obama art that defined the look of his presidential campaign--and director Spike Lee, who has been one of my cinematic heroes (even though I haven't seen nearly as many of his films as I should have)...

I assume the full list of winners will be posted later this week, so feel free to check back with the MHDC site for updates...

On another contest note, I've also won two tickets to an advances screening of My Bloody Valentine 3-D on Tuesday night. After the crushing disappointments of The Wrestler and Slumdog Millionaire (yeah, I said it), I'm looking forward to the low-brow splatter of a mad-miner slasher flick...


Scott Rose said...

OMG, Ian, this is FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! This is sooooooooo awesome!!!! This is such a well-earned reward for all of your amazing talent!! WOW!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, MY MAN!!! Bravo, bravo.

Scott Rose said...

Just had to leave another comment:

This is fu**ing !@(#@#(!%*%#@%& awesome!!!

Unknown said...

Ian, you continue to astound me with your accomplishments! My investment in crayons and all those old grocery bags I cut up so you'd have enough "canvas" (not to mention your bedroom walls which produced many of your early works) is paying off...LOL!
Needless to say, I am extremely proud of you and love you dearly.

HHRose said...

Go you!

But WTF, you hated "Slumdog?" What are you, heartless? ;o) See you Wed.